Thursday, 29 April 2010

Irrational logic

No doubt
I belive
even if you trick me God.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

What is the holy punk music? Click here.

The holy has surrendered to Jah
and the punk is a rebell.
The holy writes his story
and the punk refuse it. or what!?

But there's an answer:
is the ska train.

Friday, 23 April 2010

peacefull competition

there are no applause
'cause what's a rigtheous winner or looser?

Mental slavery

I wanna love ya'
it ends with you.

must tell the news
it's my holy story
my fundamental psychosis

Tuesday, 20 April 2010


Music if you click here

Monday, 19 April 2010

left and right

I'm not, I am
tick tack
life death.
hope dispear
love hate
I & I

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Thursday, 15 April 2010


What is death?
I don't know.
The end.
So many times.
Who told me about it?
I can't remember last time I died.

past present future

past: experience peace wisdom

present: eternal

future: opinion ambition plans creation

is language a living being?
or just an illusion, an objekt?

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Zulu figther

I got you under my skin Neneh
My tobacco rollin' paper won't listen to me
when I try to roll a cigarette
cause I'm occupied with you
cause I'm a zulu figther too

Thursday, 8 April 2010


Jag gråter med dig.
Du sköna kvinna.
Alltid glad.
Du försöker in i det sista.

Ibland när jag ser dig
vill jag kliva rakt in i dig.
Det känns så bra hos dig.

In the house of roots

and yet we are
sex or friend
shame or confidence

Thinking for myself:

Man built the houses in wood, stone, metal and glas.
Inside I take shelter from mother nature
The city of paradize is called the promissed land

The boats, cars, trains and planes
magic machines
Roots in Babylon city?
Electric roots?
And I travel like a Traditional tourist

and the ancient outland, could be very cold or hot, wet or dry
Mother nature is a God or a beast?
so be careful you shaman or faki

An answer...

I must concider him and his story.

I can't remember and
my creation escapes me
But feeling, the absolute reality
is beyond the laws of dimention

"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo
"Get up stand up don't give up the fight." - Bob Marley
"do you remember the days of slavery." - Roots traditional
"All we need is love." - The Beatles
+"Teatcher, leave us kids alone." - Pink Floyd

I remember the spell, the fundamental psychosis.
Heavy Mental
What are we?
I think for myself. I'm not. I am

Sunday, 4 April 2010


What to do when the dealer closes the door and doesn't want to sell?
win or loose.
Even messiah can forgett his friends.
It feels goood to be honest.
Like a guru checking for the very first time.
Fighting for myself with my God on the line.
Occupied by the self then sensing my demond.
I wonder where my windows are to be found.
I mean all the people.

The gate to the unknown.
Am I behind on the account? Or am I just paranoid?
I don't know why I should have any enemy.
Am I afraid?
One can't help it that one is afraid, but maybe one can do something about it.
Checking my feeling.
Building my house.
Perfect monkey.
Sitting listening to lies.
I dissapointed. I promised more than I could keep.
I jig around a bit to "How I wish you were here"
Who is telling me that I should go to get my glas of water refilled?
Britney speaks to the chidish part in me from the radio to my inner life.

The road splits up.
Do I have to choose, accept a choise?
I walk my own way.
A Zulu-fighter.
I'm a wise man. If it fits, I put it.
Now I'm wanted by many.
And I get to do something heroic.
I wonder where the feelings are located.
Got to have the feeling.
Some crazy Gods out there.
Your not alone.
It tastes good with water.
One gets what one deserves, If it's fare that is.
I don't belive in luck, although I'm sometimes lucky.
Now there are troll in the woods.
Sweden supports me.
Maybe confess.

Fighting with spells.
You can relax, there's no one that can steel your work.
Thank you Jesus. God or whatever your name is. Who ever you are. It doesn't matter. I belive in you.
Am I ready?
I want to know, but nope, the door is closed.
The birds and the humans have flewn into my house.
I haven't got any future right now but I keep on working, the apocalypse around the corner.
I hear sweet music.
I want to get to know my God.
I get help along the way.
Medium, what can you teach me?
What effort you make to read my mind.
I want to be one of thoose dragons.
It reminds me of the faki.
I want to stay here forever.
Suffering patiently.
Updating myself.

The worry is over.
My enemy is ok.
... talking to the troll.
It's a party tonight.
The Gods gives thanks.
The dreams come to me.
Let me in! Let me join in. I'm not dangerous.
Please don't stop the music/this feeling.
So much better one would want to be.
At least I know what intensions I have.
Everything falls into place in the end.


I was just thinking the exact same thing. Just Kidding
Actually I liked it, I found it a bit disjointed but what do I know. A journey through ones life may often have little continuity, mine certainly doesnt.