Thursday, 30 December 2010


a compulsive thougth
doesn't need to be an incorrect thougth

but why do I clinch
my teeth together?

is my energy configuration
not irrational?

is that why I clinch my teeth together
untill it's impossible

what's that wall
I have to brek thrue?

One decission

"No man, never decide"
at last I've figured everything out

taking decissions
and suddenly I'm lost
Don't know
waiting to find out


do I belive in God?
but first of all I belive

consume and rest
smoke your tobacco
drink your water
and listen to the music

write your story
it makes a difference
and I know you understand
soon you'll learn to operate
that switchboard


you faki
you sha
you're the sheriff
you're the example

looking for protection?
just love

we're moving together
nazi dredd
you're not a racist
just proud of your roots

I'm sorry for all the pain
I was lost and tried
to navigate the best I could

everything is allowd
but not everything is healthy
so roll and smoke
your elexir with care
and don't forgett
to drink your water

talking to dja
thinking to myself
and everyone
mind is the 6:th sense.

Studio one records radio

Feel the love in my hood
bought a present for my baby

Saturday, 4 December 2010

The african lion will break every chain

How to comunicate
with Babylon
whithout using internet?
or even a pen

just art
which you can't steel

it's art
but you can't see
cause you're not here

I'm beautifull
as it seems
while smooking my cigarette

I get my roots
from my brother man
generation babi