Sunday, 30 December 2012

It's not proved by science, but it's true

needs and belife

One walks thrue live filling one's needs. Not knowing from were one origins and not knowing where one is heading. I just do what I can, nothing to be proud about. Beliving in God is a bit crazy.

Punk is not dead: NO FUTURE!

Don't listen to negative thoughts!


habbits = that which you don't reflect upon
reflection - consciousness
decission - an action
responsibillity - karma

I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm not afraid of doing anyhow

I'm a red indian

and they're singing for me. I couldn't care less. They killed my people

Too much empathy in the forrest of the troll

If you move, you have surrendered. Snake eyes


Money nature filosophy free possitive remember to continue
I don't have any idols
is it because

Thursday, 27 December 2012


I sold my soul to the devil, or did I surrender to God. I don't know. But one thing is for sure, I don't know what I'm doing. Haragai, knowing without knowing.

Saturday, 15 December 2012


Need is self
and it's natural
You got to work for it
No need for bad conscious
You deserve it, if you need it

Need is the lowest common denominator
Philosopher's stone

Saturday, 1 December 2012


Sometimes I imagine that the purgatory is already here, before we die. We have our attitudes. Some die. Some live. But more important: some are ignorant and some suffer. Everyone follow there own life. Much want more and victims pray for mercy. How can I believe in God if this isn't the apocalypse?

Peace again

Colors. Sounds. Positive.
I think compulsevly, without a subject. I guess it's part of my diagnosis.
I strive thrue.
Creation and expression is equal to me.


Do we have a luggage or are we connected? I feel presens of people I know, and I process my feelings to people I know. Do I want to give up my armour, my luggage, and connect to everyone?

Friday, 23 November 2012


Zulu fighter, bushdoctor, king of honour, what to do when life is no good, not worth living. More honour? Bullshit. The thirst of honour is a spiriual deasise. I don't give a dam! I just want meaning, happiness, peace, sex and rest. I could die now, no problem, but I'm driven to continue, have no plans on taking my own life.

Complaining, for what? Fear of that history shall repeat itself? More bad feelings...

I'm looking for to rest in sadness

Thursday, 4 October 2012


My basic attitude is that everything is possible. Even that something can be impossible is possible.

Sunday, 30 September 2012


To be is to be selfconscious. Don't ponder over this, cause you can go insane. - Fallstaff Fakir

False stuff Faki - Ras Babi Babiker


Determenisem (that everything is predestined) takes for granted that universe is not eternal

Friday, 24 August 2012


If man was ment to make it on his own then God whould never have made Eve

Tuesday, 24 July 2012


There's a lot of problems without a master.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Hot sex

is to agree to disagree. A man and a woman can be argueing all day and end it by having good sex

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

The global economical crisis is the begining of the apocalyps, is the begining of paradise.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

A white lie is just a provisional sulotion. The truth will have to be confronted sooner or later.
Had an insight yesterday evening after working very hard all day, noticing that the people around me took weight of my shoulders: Democracy is also to share responsibillity

Friday, 30 March 2012

Hopeing without trying
is no good
I had my chance
Now, just giving up is what I should.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Man vs. beast

Just had a dream where we, some people, stod in a corridor and was all very careful, as if a large animal was near by. A small baby animal was sitting on the floor and I thought that the mother must be near. We stod calmly in clusters and leaned towards eachother and relaxed not to provocate a possible beast. While I stand leaning to the left against another man I feel a slow bite in my right calf. I think to myself that I'm going to be eaten alive. I relax not to make matters worse. Suddenly without looking to my right I flick with my finger on the beasts nose. I turn around and meet the eyes of the bear. I talk in tungs to the bear who judge me with his sight before he walks away. The last thing I say to the people in the corridor is "I man a bushdoctor". Then I wake up.

Thursday, 8 March 2012


There is no Jah or God.
No universal answer.
No destiny, just realism

There is no satan
your enemy has needs
just like you

Monday, 5 March 2012

The stone which the builder refused, will always be the headcorner stone

Compulsive filosophy is the need
to sum up things
to one single truth

Wisdom is to accept
yes and no

Intelect is the naíve devil.
Humor is the devil with happiness.
Ambition is the devil with rightousness.

New chapter

for reminding me
and guiding me.

I have no needs.
I'm just sufffering.
Listening to destiny.

Henrik Larsson
and never stop.
I can't be blamed
for who I am.

Please give me
peace of mind.


I have that feeling again.
But this time
the word "fame" comes to my mind to explain.
And I realize
that I just had the need for fame.
That was the feeling.

Words can help me
to understand myself.

Sunday, 4 March 2012


Science vs. religion:
Religion is meaning in life.
There is no meaning in science
appart from curiosity and excitement.
The result of science is a technique or technology.
A scientific attitude to life is realism.
Science vs. superstition:
Superstition is when you mix science with religion
in an unfortunate way.
i.e. if I shuffle the deck of cards just once more
I will get better cards.
OCD (obsessive compulsive dissorder)
is a form of unconscious superstition.
One performs rituals to feel safe.
Rituals with no practical value.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Not untill you found now, you can anchor it in the future and the past

Monday, 20 February 2012

Tower of Babylon

No constuction can take you to God. But it can be a lot of fun constructing anyhow.

I move...

...even if I have no control
or even if I don't know what I is doing

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


There can be no competition in empathy.

Saturday, 28 January 2012


whats goin on with you? are you ok

yes. same same
try to visit some frinds and spend nice time its a weekend

I do sometimes
tell me you me you ok please

Yes I man is ok
you kept silence tow days anything new

I try my best. I need alot of time typing on facebook right now
How are you?
am cool
how ur day going
did u went out today ?

Yes I went to the activityhouse. Every monday to friday
good .
do u hv a kids

and what abt ur mam and dad ?

Yes both alive + a older brother
he has five kids and a granddoughter
oh big family
i love dat
so dat mean ur time is full with them

No my brother and his family lives far from me. I see them once a year maybe
But they're in my mind
how is work
its ok some day u wil make ur own family

My woman is to old to have kids. She is 40
I don't work. I live of a social insurance. The doctors said I was insane.
I work for free in an assosiation for social and mental health
are you happy with this

I accept it. To add to my life I make music
i love dis part
but what your palns for tmw

To clean my bedroom and my studio.
funny dear
If you want to hear some of my crazy music this is my youtube channel:

but for futur
ofcours i love dat

More music. More writing
am not worry about you any more :)
happy to hear that
we your dream ?
what your dream ?

spirutal revolution on the planet earth
I promissed to call my woman at eight
iam sorry that iam asking too much
you will go ?

no problem asking me. And Karin, my woman, was feeling good.
that is good news dear , iam sure you r feeling the same

Yes today is good. We laid in bed and took a rest together in her appartment today
iam happy dats everything going good can i ask you favor plz

let's hear
can you just take good care about your feeling

of caurse. I give thanks and praise all the time

what about to uplod some music of urs so dat enjoy foe a while ?

KLick here:

great job realy wonderful

u hv t o do more

I will.
good luck
do u know something about sudan or you know some sudanese frinds ?

I have a friend ras babi. WE where neighbours in Barcelona 93. And I know Gurashi to from Barcelona
I know it's a big country and that you speak both english and arabic
Capital is Khartom
And I know that the country has been seperated in two
But really I know nothing about the living conditions
you know what ?

iam happy to know you


What are your interests?
yo r great
well well well

apart from writing
am crazy abt music, movies , love , forgain languages , traviling but the only country i visit was dubai , i love dance salsa , samba, roumba , reading , writing , make new frinds
How old are you?
am journalist work for sudan news agency
am 24

Then you have a steady education?
almost finished master in iternational relation

My education was ballet dancer. But carrer very short. I quit when I was 20. I was to proud. Didn't get the jobs I desired
so you still dance ?
I move sometimes to the music on the radio.
Ballet is finished
no its not , i tried more to stand on my finger but i cudnt i think am too havey

what is time ther ?

its 11:33 here
we didnt take dinner yet come and join us

Friday, 27 January 2012

To accept one's own destiny

If life is hard
but you don't have evidence of evil.
Don't conspiracy theory.
Just accept
that life is hard.
There is no
we and dem

I & I.... remember?
You stand in the center
of your world.

Facebook copy

Ras Babi Babiker
Look at me Babylon.....I come from ancient time to talk to you....
LikeUnlike · · Share · 26 minutes ago · 2 people like this..

Henrik Larsson
My end is behind me and my begining is infront of me. I live in now allways
18 minutes ago · LikeUnlike · 1

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Shop ourselfs out of a crisis?

People buy things they don't need
for monney they don't have
to impress people they don't like.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Wicked music

Johan Paxom does the instruments and I sing.

I speak in tungs. The ancient language from before man built the tower of Babel and God punished man by splitting up the one language into many languages. That is if you belive in the bible.

How do I understand what I say when speaking in tungs? I belive it's not as much understanding the tungs as to realize that words in general is irrelevant. Words is what the common sense deals with. And to that the bible says not to trust upon one's common sense, but to trust in God (in any situation)

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Shop or not?

Can we shop ourselfs out of an economical crisis, or do we need to find other intrests in our lifes to get out of the "crisis" once and for all?

I know one cannot live without to consume, but why have prestige in ones belongings?

Click here to view discussion

You build me up, then you...

I man speaka de trut.
I dreamt.
First I was with Michael Jackson
Then I was with Cornelis
Then I was thrown out of Zion.
I confessed to satan
that I am a satanist.


Homo sapiens: The man who thinks.
Homo sapiens sapiens: The man who thinks that he thinks.
Homo erectus: The man that walks up straight!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Ras Tafarai

Tshila wrote: "Jah 'time' will Always be now. The Ancient trod is not a shield to hide behind, but a shield to protect while we 'fight' on. There is so much work to be done, & the Knowledge, Wisdom & Overstandin of Ras Tafari is not the end. Its the beginning. Our goal is the Beginning."

Sunday, 15 January 2012


Last behind me.
First infront of me.
The end
and the beginning
is in me.

Saturday, 14 January 2012


A cats eyes lits up in the dark.
I move with you now Fallstaff Fakir.
And it feels so good to continue.


and statement
makes 3

His story

When I ask my mom how it was,
it was first one way
and then it was another.
Can I man rewrite history?

2 asumptions

Creation is not I alone.
Creation is spread thrue I.


Let's play a lovegame.
Do you want love
or do you want fame?


I am a man
so in the blue sky
comes a woman for me.

I'm a babylonian aswell.
Oh! Where did that pussy go?
Girl I need to know.

I'm a babylonian aswell.
my incarnation and
my apocalyps.
In my room.

Roots I wish....

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Breaking the devilstone

The star of David
spreads future foreward
and past backward.
is the intersection
of the two.

breaks the star of Juda
and moves
in any direction.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Dja guide

Inspiration move I.
Even if I don't know what I is doing.
If so, it's called intuition.
Good or baad.

Suddenly I discover

Now that I'm cool
about my paranoia
my inner discussion, of the opposite,
voodoo wisdom.

Monday, 2 January 2012


Mantra nr. 1.
Thinking has no words.

Mantra nr. 2a:
Balance is when right is wrong.
Mantra nr. 2b:
Balance is when wrong is right.

Excersise nr 1.

"Mantra" is a mantra.


Women THINK,
because the are wise.
Men DO,
because they are brave.

Voodoo wisdom is when the devil is king.
Lord of lords.
Conquering lion of Africa

It's not what you do,
it's how you do it.
What is the spell,
and how is the dancer.
There is no spirit or magic.