Friday, 30 March 2012

Hopeing without trying
is no good
I had my chance
Now, just giving up is what I should.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Man vs. beast

Just had a dream where we, some people, stod in a corridor and was all very careful, as if a large animal was near by. A small baby animal was sitting on the floor and I thought that the mother must be near. We stod calmly in clusters and leaned towards eachother and relaxed not to provocate a possible beast. While I stand leaning to the left against another man I feel a slow bite in my right calf. I think to myself that I'm going to be eaten alive. I relax not to make matters worse. Suddenly without looking to my right I flick with my finger on the beasts nose. I turn around and meet the eyes of the bear. I talk in tungs to the bear who judge me with his sight before he walks away. The last thing I say to the people in the corridor is "I man a bushdoctor". Then I wake up.

Thursday, 8 March 2012


There is no Jah or God.
No universal answer.
No destiny, just realism

There is no satan
your enemy has needs
just like you

Monday, 5 March 2012

The stone which the builder refused, will always be the headcorner stone

Compulsive filosophy is the need
to sum up things
to one single truth

Wisdom is to accept
yes and no

Intelect is the naĆ­ve devil.
Humor is the devil with happiness.
Ambition is the devil with rightousness.

New chapter

for reminding me
and guiding me.

I have no needs.
I'm just sufffering.
Listening to destiny.

Henrik Larsson
and never stop.
I can't be blamed
for who I am.

Please give me
peace of mind.


I have that feeling again.
But this time
the word "fame" comes to my mind to explain.
And I realize
that I just had the need for fame.
That was the feeling.

Words can help me
to understand myself.

Sunday, 4 March 2012


Science vs. religion:
Religion is meaning in life.
There is no meaning in science
appart from curiosity and excitement.
The result of science is a technique or technology.
A scientific attitude to life is realism.
Science vs. superstition:
Superstition is when you mix science with religion
in an unfortunate way.
i.e. if I shuffle the deck of cards just once more
I will get better cards.
OCD (obsessive compulsive dissorder)
is a form of unconscious superstition.
One performs rituals to feel safe.
Rituals with no practical value.