Sunday, 30 December 2012

It's not proved by science, but it's true

needs and belife

One walks thrue live filling one's needs. Not knowing from were one origins and not knowing where one is heading. I just do what I can, nothing to be proud about. Beliving in God is a bit crazy.

Punk is not dead: NO FUTURE!

Don't listen to negative thoughts!


habbits = that which you don't reflect upon
reflection - consciousness
decission - an action
responsibillity - karma

I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm not afraid of doing anyhow

I'm a red indian

and they're singing for me. I couldn't care less. They killed my people

Too much empathy in the forrest of the troll

If you move, you have surrendered. Snake eyes


Money nature filosophy free possitive remember to continue
I don't have any idols
is it because

Thursday, 27 December 2012


I sold my soul to the devil, or did I surrender to God. I don't know. But one thing is for sure, I don't know what I'm doing. Haragai, knowing without knowing.

Saturday, 15 December 2012


Need is self
and it's natural
You got to work for it
No need for bad conscious
You deserve it, if you need it

Need is the lowest common denominator
Philosopher's stone

Saturday, 1 December 2012


Sometimes I imagine that the purgatory is already here, before we die. We have our attitudes. Some die. Some live. But more important: some are ignorant and some suffer. Everyone follow there own life. Much want more and victims pray for mercy. How can I believe in God if this isn't the apocalypse?

Peace again

Colors. Sounds. Positive.
I think compulsevly, without a subject. I guess it's part of my diagnosis.
I strive thrue.
Creation and expression is equal to me.


Do we have a luggage or are we connected? I feel presens of people I know, and I process my feelings to people I know. Do I want to give up my armour, my luggage, and connect to everyone?