Sunday, 27 January 2013

me and you

Eternity is one. Not one God. Not just one people. Eternity is so much more... is one, is you

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Every one that has dreamt at night

can witness that not everything is scientific


someone is trying to school you.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

I think possitive in my prisson

feeling good moving on in my labyrinth beliving

I can't help it, but I want respect.

Be wise,

think possitive

Compulsive dissorder

Got to make sure

Love is the law

under which all actions are taken

Friday, 18 January 2013

It's perfect

'cause it's destiny

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

wisdom is intuition


My nanny told me never to be anything that ends with -ist. But why are there so many islamists, christianists and zionists in the world? Didn't they have a nanny?


Life goes up, life goes down, and there's no permanent sulution

Heared on the radio:

No intelligence without sensors

more or less

What do I want to wright?
Life has been harsh, suffering.
Now then when life is better?
At first it seems exstatic, more or less.
But then one gets used to the drill
and want something else.

I observe and go my own way.
Lots of personal development.
Better not be to proud.

I say a prayer for myself

Friday, 11 January 2013

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I heard that Russia supported African rebels in de decolonization of Africa so not the west to pick the fruits of a indoctrinated Africa.
Now Syria is in the spotlight. Russia and China supports the regime. Is it the west that supports the rebels in Syria?


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The journey inside your self,

to discover your true nature

There is no God. "God" is that we live together all as one, which we do. The only God there could be, is yourself


Thursday, 10 January 2013

Damm, it's good

to take a shit

The common people,

who are already there
doesn't put words to life's questions

like the searcher does

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

but theese blue eyes

came out of the blue

How you're gonna win

if you're not right within?

Our best

We are all human, common people and dictators. Yes, there is evil, but everyone is doing there best

The land

It wasn't Jesus that stood on the mountin looking out over the land when the devil said to him that it could all belong to him. It was man that stood on that mountin

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

- Jackson Brown

It was eazy for me
living high up in my tree
living in wonderland
with an unknowned plan


is the conqueror

High level

Today I was attending a meeting, of the national association of social and mental health, as a member. As the discussion went very abstract and high level, I realized that there is a limit to my ability to understand. BUT! this just gave me the ambition that I will learn to understand these discussions more and more for every meeting

One can't take no shit,

to cope with survival

Some divide

life into basis and spirit. This couln't be more wrong, since the basis is very spiritual

Sunday, 6 January 2013


Faith, strength. When we travel thrue the labyrinth of missery and doubt our strength is tested. Sometimes it's ok to give up.

Time is in me...

I don't expect

the truth


Drink your elexir
water or what it may be.
Feel like a zukufighter
The secret of alchemestry is not to worry. Simple as that. Normaly one has a childhood full of fantasy. Then teenage problems come, rebel. Then manhood. Damm it's hard. To fit into sociaty. One can get mentaly ill. Depressed. Crazy. But again, the answer is to not worry in vain. There is no more wisdom than this

Friday, 4 January 2013


My cognetive abillity is better. I'm more mentaly focused. But still I think one thing then the opposite without comming to a conclution, just nonsense. Feel exhausted

Thursday, 3 January 2013

An empty space confronts me.

I don't care how I spell and I don't remember. But life can be good, so good. I hear tredegi on the radio, it makes me sad. Sad is peaceful

Dubble wise

is when you understand that fools dies for wisdom

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Tuesday, 1 January 2013


I got to recite this dark poem:

When darkness falls, upon you
I see false eyes
I hurt others, not just myself
Now do you know where you got me?
You havn't got a chance
Run for your life
I'm out of balans.

What am I looking for?

My belly seems never to be full


In Swedish we have a say: A child that has been burned will fear fire. ATTENTION! This is a spell, or how will that child ever find peace thinking of fire? We have to process our fears, to come out free in life

Keep possitive if you can

'cause you are the one

What's the use

 in worring about a future you can not see? What's the use in worries? Tell me if you know.


again. it's the law. spirit is just a wish. In symbios, science of satisfying the needs, and the religion of possitive. I know

There is no permanent solution


What's the use

in worring about a future you can not see? What's the use in worries? Tell me if you know.

Keep possitive if you can

 'cause you are the one

Everything counts

but some, which don't count

Some one said

you got to find your enemy, and win him with love

It's a suffering story

The wicked punish you when you are wrong. Desperatly you try something else.

You got to take a chance

but don't take no risk, it is foolish

Troll and monsters

No one with empathy has the intenssion to hurt another. In case one have no empathy, then it's the same, one have no intenssion to hurt another. So, it's just troll and monsters that are "evil"

Compulsive thinking makes you miss out on life

Karma, smarma

"No man, never decide!"

... is the wisest thing I ever heared.