Monday, 22 December 2014

the cross

Jesus, hanging on the cross suffering asked God:
- Why have you left me?
God answers:
- I had no more jokes for you.

mental room

A mental nurse is worried for one of the patients at the mental asylum and walks into his room that he shares with a friend.
He asks the patient:
- You say you're Jesus?
- Yes I am.
- Did God tell you this?
- Yes he did.
The other mental patient says.
- No I didn't

Monday, 10 March 2014

time will tell

Mau 'unfriend' saja kok bilang ...

MJ : " Can I remove you ?"
L : " As you wish. Just remove."

Ditunggu sampai 6 jam kok ga segera dikerjakan, karena aku baik jadi kumudahkan urusannya.

L : " I'll help you."

Gitu saja kok repot
  • Yeah, he don't wanna be my friend, after I wait for 6 hours and he still there, I told him," I'll help you."
    Then I click 'UNFRIEND'

  • I think: "What a pity" at any rate, Facebook is for friends and friend's friends from the beginning! 
    Not everyone like me, it's ok. I don't wanna please everyone.

  • No, we won't be forced to please everyone, that's right, but I think the one of you two, who made the biggest lost, is him!
    Not everyone having a good sense of humor
    Indeed, they haven't, and yet I've always heard that humor is God's gift to the manhood, I hope it's guilty for Allah too!
    Actually many of them haven't sense of humor, and we can't help them. Except you can send them one way ticket to Mars. You could imagine what kind of person who wanna remove me. Lol
  • Probably that's the solution for the problem?! LOL MDR

  • No sense of humor is kind of a psycatric diagnos. And it's not funny!
  • Belive me. I know
    And I don't want to be sent one way ticket to mars
    It's usualy caused by trauma
    the worst no-sense-of humor-ego-robot is also a human being
    a victim him self
    but difficult to love him
    Yes, when you said it's usually cause by trauma, I feel scare. Remember a few peoples I've met, with so high ego, very cold ( like robot ) and always look down to others. Unfriendly and don't even try make a joke with them.
    yes that's reality. that's the beast that has to be tamed, with love
    Sometime I compare, why peoples with no sense of humor mostly can't appreciate any art too. Maybe there something lost inside them.
  • it's called HATE. Projection of injustice that has been done to them by their parents or schoolmates is now projected on any innocent helpless victim that comes in their way. time will tell...
    What is lost in them is love, compassion, feeling safe, respect for others and so on

    what goes around comes around. not always in a logical way thou
    justice is the keyword. No one can live in injustice for a longer time
    But actually the one who wanna 'unfriend' me not so bad. He just don't wanna be friend, that all. And it's a choise.
    Unfortunately, Indonesian education curiculum never appreciate any art, literature, social subject and so on.
    Be carefull with the word unfortunatly, in this case, many belivers of having high culture, education and consciousness just don't realize the simplicity of primitive
    all men have needs. culture or primitive. we are all the same
  • and yes, sometimes there is a place for goodbye. but there WILL be a hello again